曾 琬純's profile

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Craft Furniture
Reconstruct modules into different kind of furniture.

解構蜂巢構造將其單元化,利用點、線、面之間的不同縫法將塑膠片熱壓出不同弧度,再將它重組,建構出因縫隙間相互擠壓而有支撐力的結構。  進而衍生出其他像是折疊、交錯、旋轉...等手法使塑膠片有不同走向,讓其他象限有更多變化,營造出疏與密的對比、排列出以同心為圓的不同圖騰。

My concept is to deconstruct the honeycomb structure into a module, and then recombine pieces of them into different shapes to build a structure that is supportive due to the squeeze between the gaps.  In addition, other methods such as folding, staggering, rotating, etc. have been used to make the plastic sheet have different directions so that other quadrants could have more changes. Thus, it can create contrasts of sparse and dense, and arrange different totems with concentric circles.
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